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Work at Home Jobs Vs Self Employment

Work at Home Jobs vs Owning a Home Based Business

Not everyone is interested in owning their own home business, but a lot of people are interested in dropping out of the rat race a little bit. More and more jobs are available where you can work from home. And since your productivity will probably be better working from home, you'll probably make more money. The other advantage is that it doesn't cost as much money to work from home, since you no longer have commuting expenses, lunches out expenses, or the same clothing expenses. These are big advantages.

Just because you don't want to own your own home based business doesn't mean you can't work from home. All it involves in a change in mindset and some effort.

Recommended Reading

If you're interested in learning more about this way of thinking, there are a few books you should probably take a look at. I highly recommend Joe Dominquez's book Your Money or Your Life. This book will give you a completely different perspective on how much money you're making driving to and from your 9-to-5 every day.

Another pair of great books are Die Broke and Live Rich, which are both written by Stephen Pollan and Mark Levine. These two books will also help you redefine your own personal ideas about work and how it fits into your life.

Recommendations About Working from Home

It would be relatively easy at this point to list several work-at-home job opportunities and call this a finished article, but the reality of the 21st century workplace is that telecommuting and working from home are becoming more and more commonplace. And almost ANY job can be done from home now.

My recommendation to anyone who wants to switch to a work at home job is to talk with your current boss about whether or not you can be allowed to work from home. A broad minded boss with her finger on the pulse of the business realities today will understand that if she can't accommodate your work from home request, then you'll probably find someone else who will.

If that doesn't work out, all you have to do is start looking for work. Any of the many get a job or find employment sites out there are going to have work from home jobs available as well as more traditional jobs. All you have to do is seek them out.

Another Look at Owning Your Own Business

But don't rule out starting your own home based business either. Many people find this more satisfying than working for someone else, and they wind up making more money than they ever thought possible. That was my experience, and it was also my wife's.

As far as I'm concerned, the best work from home job is the one where you're your own boss.

The author of this article works from home, and owns and operates a website about paid surveys, where you can read reviews of some paid survey websites like Survey Scout and Survey Platinum.

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