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Your Cover Letter MUST Ask This Question

Imagine receiving a letter from a salesman who wants to sell you an exciting new widget. The letter focuses on all the reasons why this is such a great item. But nowhere does the man ASK for the purchase! You are not as likely to buy it.

The same thing is true with a job search cover letter. Unless you ASK the employer for the opportunity to be interviewed you probably won't hear the phone ring. Decide today that every cover letter you write will contain your specific request for a job interview. ASK and you will receive!

If you don't land the job interview, you certainly will not land the job, so put first things first.

? Write a great cover letter that sparkles with friendliness and professionalism.

? State your qualifications for the position you want.

? Tell the employer how you can help his/her company.

? ASK for an interview clearly and directly.

Where in the cover letter should you make your request? In the beginning and again at the end. Twice is nice!

Example at the beginning of your cover letter:

When I saw your ad for a warehouse manager, I realized we've been looking for each other! Can we meet in person next week? I'd like to show you how my five years of experience in this area will increase profits and streamline procedures.

Example at the close of your cover letter:

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. Can we get together to talk in person? I'm available mornings till 12:00 noon. You name the time and date and I'll be there.

Now write that cover letter and don't forget to ASK. Then keep your phone and your calendar handy!

Jimmy Sweeney is the president of CareerJimmy and author of the new, "Amazing Cover Letter Creator." Jimmy has written several career-related books and his unique, "think-outside-the-job-search-box" style, make his articles a job-seeker favorite. Jimmy is regularly published on some of the Internet's largest career web sites.

Who else wants their phone ringing off the hook with more quality job interviews? Visit Jimmy on the web right now at for your 'instant' cover letter today.

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