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Are You Living Your Career Dreams?

Inherent within the human spirit is a desire for fulfillment, a longing to carry out our creative aspirations by reaching new heights of accomplishment. Yet often the yearning for fulfillment can be suppressed by fear and apprehension. Perhaps we aren't feeling good enough, smart enough or able enough to pursue and fulfill our dreams.

Uncover Your True Passion!

If you are considering a change in your career direction or wish to enhance your business to a new level, but are hesitant to make the transition, let me assure you that it is never too late to choose anew. As a matter of fact, many people change career directions several times throughout a lifetime and some don't even discover their true passions until much later in life. So, if you are not living your career dreams or if you're ready to take the plunge by trying something new, now is the time to take a stand and simply do it.

Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone!

For sure the one inevitable way you won't make your dreams a reality is by ignoring them. To bring them into actuality, you need to start someplace and usually the place to start is by taking stock of what it is you really want to do. The next step is making a decision that you are going to do it and then do the things that can lead you there. Because there are no magical answers and no formulas prescribed that will guarantee success, your job is to trust. But be assured, you'll be called upon to express boldness as well as a willingness to take chances, for the key to reinventing yourself requires the willingness to step outside of your comfort zone. How else will you know what you're made of or what you're capable of, if you don't explore your potential?

Where to Begin!

Not long ago, I met with a young lady who requested my assistance with some writing. She had a good deal of web designing expertise but she didn't know how to use it to her advantage. In spite of the fact that she was involved in a myriad of creative endeavors at her job, her title remained as Secretary. Although there was nothing wrong in being a secretary, the time had come for her to start perceiving herself in the new role of "Web Designer." The only thing lacking was confidence in her ability to step into this new role. I recommended that she allow me to create a dynamic bio and resume, which filled her with confidence. She was encouraged in a new direction and inspired to begin anew.

Never Too Late to Choose Again!

It is never too late to choose anew. Seven years ago the web was a new arena for me and although I had been a successful writer for a number of years, I didn't yet know the ropes of the web, although I knew the Internet held a lot of promise for me. Wishing to attract clients to my web site, I decided to make an attempt at sharing my expertise through newsletters and e-zines. I then began submitting articles to online publications waiting and expecting something to happen. Lo and behold, one morning when I least expected it, I opened my e-mail box to discover a torrent of inquiries. At first I didn't know where they came from and thought perhaps there might have been an error. Before long I realized that an article I had written had been accepted and published in a well-respected publication. Not only was it published but it also met with great interest. It was the beginning of a very exciting adventure on the Internet for me, proving my attempt and determination in moving towards my dreams was well worth the effort.

Having the Courage

Fear will prevent you from living your career dreams, but if you push through your fears and simply give yourself permission to do the very thing you've wanted to do all your life, you'll soon see things falling into place. Despite your fears and uncertainties, do what you believe in and things will start changing. Of course you'll have your moments and possibly doubt yourself at times, but remember nothing ventured nothing gained. Before long you'll have discovered what it means to be living your career dreams.

Charlene Rashkow is a Writing Stylist who has successfully written outstanding business material for companies and individuals for more than 15 years. Creating clever promotional materials, Charlene is well known for her press releases, bios, web site content, business plans, resumes, brochure copy and ghostwriting manuscripts. You may visit Charlene Rashkow at

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