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The Top 10 Reasons to have a Career Coach

Many people in the last decade have experienced for themselves either a layoff or termination. Some of these people affected have experienced outplacement-consulting services. This is a fancy word for "help" in finding a new job. Many have also heard the adage that it is better to get a new job while you are still employed.

I will address why finding a job is an ongoing process of managing your career for yourself; and how a career coach can help more than just your career

1. To gain Clarity in your life
Most people don't know what they really want in their life/ careers. Even the one's that do....don't know when they get it.

2. To develop your personal Vision/Mission
Your personal vision/mission is your purpose in life. Is that separate from what we do to make a living? It shouldn't be. Are you living in alignment or in conflict of your purpose?

3. To sharpen your skills
Job search is not something you do daily; as your skills in a sport get rusty without practice, so do your job search skills. What are the latest techniques and best practices, how can you maximize your network, etc.

4. To increase your confidence in this game called work
When you know what you're good at and what you want, you go for it, and people stand out of your way. You no longer have competition. You no longer self sabotage or tolerate the behavior of other associates or bosses.

5. To find out what drives/motivates you
It's not about pumping you up. It is about realizing how you were wired since birth and how to use that programming to achieve happiness. We call these values and beliefs. Knowing what is important will make it easy to say no to things and people that waste your time. At the same time, you will discover opportunities that in the past have eluded you.

6. To unleash your unlimited potential at work
Most people get caught up in the politics of the office. Circumventing this will energize you and put you leaps and bounds above your peers.

7. To stretch you beyond what is currently comfortable for you
We get caught in our comfort zone; before long however, this comfort zone becomes a rut. It is at this point that we become complacent. Complacency leads to poor performance and poor performance leads to job termination. So can we stay passionate all the time about what we do? If you have to ask!

8. To create total balance in all areas of your life
There are more people on "drugs"; today than ever in our society. Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Xanax, Valium, Viagra, while some people have medical reasons for taking these, research has shown that many of these disorders stem from "burnout. Knowing what is important in all areas of your life as well as your career allows you to have peace of mind and balance.

9. To breakthrough what stops you from achieving your goals
We have beliefs that protect us. These same beliefs hold us back from our potential. Recognizing why they exist helps you overcome fear and failure to accomplish your goals.

10. To challenge you or raise your standards
While you will raise the bar, you will also get the encouragement, recognition and support that you deserve. This will help you achieve results much faster.

Submitted by Art Eyzaguirre, Career and Life coach with a PhD from the school of Hard Knocks as well as lessons from corporate downsizings, who can be reached at, or visited on the web at http://www.aceconsultinggroup.netArt is President of Ace Consulting Group, Inc. He helps Corporations and Individuals, through executive and career coaching. Art is a founding member of International Association of Coaches and 24/7

This content may be forwarded in full, with copyright, contact, and creation information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit context. For other uses, permission in writing from Ace Consulting Group, Inc is required. Questions: email

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